Wine Fridges
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Kitchen appliances made for living
Your kitchen is the heart of your home. As the place for preparing and sharing meals, entertaining in or retreating to, selecting the right kitchen appliances is central to maintaining a healthy and happy home life. Discover kitchen solutions that make life easier and more enjoyable in a surprisingly stunning range of ways.
Discover Miele Wine Fridges
At Miele, we recognise the importance of providing the ideal storage conditions for your wine. Ideal for storing the most sophisticated vintages, a Miele wine conditioning unit offers you the optimum climate so you can enjoy the rich flavours of wine at home. Store different types of wine under ideal conditions in each zone with Miele’s innovative technology.
Keeping the desired temperature of your wine constant, Miele’s premium conditioning units offer reliable storage solutions to maximise your wines shelf life. Adjust your bottle racks individually to suit the size of your bottles. Choose from our vast range of designs for perfect home integration. Enjoy rich and natural flavours of premium wine stored at home with Miele.
Enjoy more of what you love
Whatever your needs demand and whatever styles suit your profile, shop Miele for beautifully functional kitchen appliances. Take advantage of additional savings of 10% for 5 appliances, 7.5% for 4 appliances and 5% for 3 appliances today (terms and conditions apply).
Become a Miele for Life member
As a Miele owner, consider joining our free benefits programme to access exclusive offers, VIP events and opportunities to win amazing prizes. Learn more about our Miele for Life members’ benefits.
Kitchen appliances made for living
Your kitchen is the heart of your home. As the place for preparing and sharing meals, entertaining in or retreating to, selecting the right kitchen appliances is central to maintaining a healthy and happy home life. Discover kitchen solutions that make life easier and more enjoyable in a surprisingly stunning range of ways.
Discover Miele Wine Fridges
At Miele, we recognise the importance of providing the ideal storage conditions for your wine. Ideal for storing the most sophisticated vintages, a Miele wine conditioning unit offers you the optimum climate so you can enjoy the rich flavours of wine at home. Store different types of wine under ideal conditions in each zone with Miele’s innovative technology.
Keeping the desired temperature of your wine constant, Miele’s premium conditioning units offer reliable storage solutions to maximise your wines shelf life. Adjust your bottle racks individually to suit the size of your bottles. Choose from our vast range of designs for perfect home integration. Enjoy rich and natural flavours of premium wine stored at home with Miele.
Enjoy more of what you love
Whatever your needs demand and whatever styles suit your profile, shop Miele for beautifully functional kitchen appliances. Take advantage of additional savings of 10% for 5 appliances, 7.5% for 4 appliances and 5% for 3 appliances today (terms and conditions apply).
Become a Miele for Life member
As a Miele owner, consider joining our free benefits programme to access exclusive offers, VIP events and opportunities to win amazing prizes. Learn more about our Miele for Life members’ benefits.